

Monday, March 3, 2014

What does a Missional Church look like?

Yesterday I preached at my home church from Acts 11.19-30 and Acts 12.25-13.3. Here we see how there is a geographical change in mission sending. Jerusalem had been the main sending church but now we see how Antioch has been added as a sending base. Antioch in Syria (ironically in Turkey today) was on three major trading routes and was an important city; rivaling even Alexandria at one point. 

What was the church at Antioch like? This is what I drew from the passage. 

·       Acts 11.19-20 – a Multi-cultural church.

·       Acts 11.21 a Spirit filled, Evangelistic and growing Church; cf. 11.26 and 13.2

·       Acts 11.26 a learning church who were identified as Christians

·       Acts 11.27-30 a compassionate and generous Church

·       Acts 12.25-13.1 a talented Church – Prophets and Teachers

·       Acts 13.2 a worshipping church

·       Acts 13.2 a Spirit filled church

·       Acts 13.3 an obedient church

Where are we? How do we shape up in comparison?

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